Project 365

Week 11 | 2019

More from our vacation to Sanibel. You can see all of the seashells we brought home. We are trying to figure out what to do with them- we would like to look at them regularly, and have them on display somehow. Some of us are also pushing for the use of our kitchen counter back, so I should probably move this to the top of my to-do list.

I am still trying to get back into a routine. It is kind of nice to be home, back to eating vegetables regularly, and working out every day. We are having beautiful weather, going on lots of walks with the puppies, and spending time in the backyard.

I am hoping to create a post full of vacation photos, and I will continue to make it a goal to update other parts of my website (blog posts of client work and portfolio photos, especially).

Week 10 | 2019

We went to Sanibel, Florida for spring break. This was a recommendation a very good travel agent friend made for our family about five years ago, and we finally got it together enough to get there. It was the first time my kids had been on a plane, and their first time seeing the ocean. It was the beach vacation that I wanted for my honeymoon (we got married in 2002). It was pretty much perfect.

We left Nebraska while it was still very snowy, and while we were gone the weather was insane here. It got up to 70ish degrees, all of the snow melted, then there was another blizzard, and now our state is facing massive flooding issues. It was a pretty good time to get out of here for a week.

My neighbor watched my dogs. They were naughty. Bandit ate one of our lamps. This is kind of ok with me, because I have been wanting to replace these particular lamps forever- although now I am realizing how expensive lamps are, which kind of sucks.

I took a million photos on vacation, and I love so many of them. I can’t face culling and starring and editing all of them at this moment- we are still catching up on things since getting home, plus daylight savings time, and allergies, and sunburns, and back to school and work and cooking food. Since I don’t want to get behind on posting 365 photos, I went through rather quickly and just chose something for each day and edited it.

It is hard to describe how happy this trip was. Unlike most recent vacations, where I am ready to just throw in the towel and head home a few days early- this was SUPER SAD when it ended. Incredibly sad. I can’t wait to go back. Best vacation ever.

Week 9 | 2019

This week included middle school orientation. Wow, that feels crazy. It went really well though, and I am so proud of my oldest. She is a cool human being and is going to rock the middle school thing.

Otherwise, snow. SNOW SNOW SNOW. We are having a record breaking amount of snow. I think we are four inches from the all time record. We happen to be walking out the door shortly to visit a much warmer place, and when we come back, I hope that I will be able to share photos of the tulips poking through the soil in my front yard.