Project 365

Week 27 | 2019

Both of the parents in this house were not in the best shape this week- my stomach is just now almost back to normal after my trip, and dad sustained a shoulder injury at CrossFit that has been intense. Otherwise, I have been driving my kids to swimming lessons and appointments, and we have spent every evening the backyard pool. Only yesterday did I feel well enough to do actual exercise, and that is VERY happy for me. I am so excited to get back into a routine with my weights and my 10,000 steps and my podcast listening dog walks.

All of my recent time spent in airplanes, airports, and waiting rooms has meant that I have been able to read a lot more than usual- so that is good. I think that I will easily meet my goal to read 52 books during the year. I am just about finished with On Being Human by Jennifer Pastiloff, and it has been ok. I am about to start Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane, which came up as a Kindle library hold for me. Still very scared to get many physical library books, which my dog will eat. Finally, there has been SO MUCH HYPE about Three Women, I decided to order it on a whim from Amazon. This violates my attempt to not spend money on books, but we are all doing the best we can. Or maybe we are not. I am probably not doing my best as far as the book buying.

Week 26 | 2019

And this will catch me up as far as my 365 photos…

I should get better at writing blog posts. I have a goal to do that, seriously. I remain very unclear about how much I want to share, what I want to share, and where. I was supposed to go on this trip to Guatemala to get some space and clarity about this and about 100 other things. I don’t think that happened (no fault of Guatemala’s). I am pretty sure that I will not really have the space I need to figure much out until my youngest child is off to kindergarten next month. And that is soon enough, because I am good with just hanging out with my kids and focusing on them. So for now, I am just going to… post and share whatever I might feel like sharing on any given day.

Week 25 | 2019

Some of these photos cover the time I spent in Guatemala last week, but I intentionally chose photos that didn’t really reflect the work we did with the kids at Project Somos. I plan to do another blog post about that at some point soon. I can say that it was a positive experience, and that I think Project Somos is amazing. I am also recovering from a little traveler’s sickness that hit me the night before my flight home, which has meant that I couldn’t charge back into my life and resume all of my things and add more things like I might be inclined to do at this point. I am instead slowly catching up on editing some photos, and cuddling my dogs, and doing things with my kids. Mostly driving them places, but also some extra hugs and all of that.