It feels slightly excessive to call a trip to Kansas City a vacation, because we used to live there and it is only three hours away from Lincoln, and it feels like it shouldn't be a huge thing to go. In any case, this was our spring break adventure. We definitely did some touristy things while we were there. We met Grandma, and got two rooms at Crown Center. We started out the trip with a stop at what we call "the kitten gas station" in Nebraska City, because many years ago there was a kitten wandering around outside the gas station and I cried leaving it there, imagining the fate the kitten would meet. I sure have turned into a different person since then, but I always think about the kitten when we approach the gas station. Adam started out, predictably, buying some gizzards there.
At the next gas station, there was the strangest game I have ever seen. It was totally creepy, to find it in a dirty gas station that contained a recently closed down restaurant. Apparently you put money in the game, and then scissors cut the strings (or not, more likely, and the prize drops). The inclusion of the doll was creepy. The kids are still talking about it.
We arrived in Kansas City, and met up with Grandma at Oak Park Mall, where we spent a lot of time at the Lego store (not captured, as I was elsewhere drinking bubble tea).

Someday we are going to get a pinball machine for our basement. We are never going to buy bacon flavored cotton candy. We went back to our hotel, and then headed back out to Winstead's.
The next day we went to Crown Center, the Crayola store, Union Station, and LEGOLAND Discovery City. As there is a serious Lego obsession in our house, it was time that we tried it out. We had heard very mixed reviews, but it turned out to be really, really good. The best part was watching Grandma and the kids in the Wizard of Oz wind chamber thing. The second best part was the 4D movie experience, where we were sprayed with water.

We ended that night with a fairly horrible trip to IKEA where my son acted like an overtired three year old, and I didn't take any photos of that. The next day we did the Hallmark Kaleidoscope art experience, and it was awesome, and free. I highly recommend it.

After that we had lunch at Fritz's, which we have every time we are in KC. Milena learned how to blow bubbles on this trip, and if there was a "theme" for the trip, I would have to say it was gum. Chewing gum. Blowing bubbles, trying to teach Lida how to blow bubbles, needing a certain kind of gum, buying it, finding out it was expired, returning it, trying different gum, gum for car sickness.

After lunch, Grandma headed back home and left us to manage our children alone. We went to the Plaza for a little bit of shopping, and then we stayed in our hotel room for takeout from Bolings and to rest.

When we have fortune cookies, Gus pretends to read them out loud, but as if they were random prayers- "Dear God, thank you for potty training." I love that.
The next morning, we decided to stop at the Money Museum. It was pretty good, and also free. Gus was confused about wanting me to take his photo or not in front of various things, and had very strong feelings about it. As you can see. I liked the exhibit where you can add your reasons for not saving money. Milena added her reason, which is that she thinks money smells bad. She has always felt very strongly about not handling money because it smells weird, since toddlerhood. Lida has always loved money. You get a free bag of shredded money when you leave, so we tried to take a photo of throwing it up in the air.

As soon as we drove away, our flat tire light came on. We stopped at a random car place to resolve that. It wasn't super stressful or tense at all. Ha. It ended being not a very big deal. The people who helped us would not take any money. It was also across from a letterpress place I wanted to check out, so I was able to browse there.
Before we got back on the road, we stopped in the River Market for beigneits and crepes. Powdered sugar in mass quantities before heading home.
We arrived home to find that Lida had a fever of 104. She had been sick at the hotel, but when we arrived back in Lincoln it was clear that she felt especially bad. She tested positive for Influenza B the next day, so we are waiting that out and hoping the rest of us escape sickness.
I wouldn't normally write such a long blog post about a trip like this, but I wanted to share the photos that were taken with my new Fuji X100F. I decided that for my purposes, I was going to sell all of my mirrorless gear in favor of this camera, and I purchased it locally a week or so before this trip. I have a plan to buy a second Nikon body now that I am doing client work, although I am not sure when I will actually do that. I am really happy with the X100F. I didn't miss focus shooting my kids, and I didn't use my Nikon at all. I see that it is a little bit noisier in some of the images where we had no natural light at all, but that is to be expected. I love using the joystick, and I love that I can set my minimum shutter speed to 1/250 when using auto ISO! That was my HUGE problem with the X100T, a camera I loved otherwise. So yay! No regrets on my X100F decision, and that says a lot for me- the person who returns pretty much everything I buy.
This was also my first lengthy post since moving to Squarespace. I think I have some things to figure out, with image placement and spacing and flow. This blog post was supposed to take me an hour, and it took MUCH LONGER. Now I am going to hit publish, and commit to being back soon- I have some film images to share, and am due to update my 2017 reading project. I have also resumed daily shooting and sharing, but have not quite figured out what that means as far as blogging...