week 12 | 366.2016

I faced a technology crisis this week, mostly of my own doing. My 2011 iMac has been running slowly and behaving oddly, and I tried a variety of things to get it running better, but none of them worked. In the course of doing that, I noticed that the hard drive where I store all of my digital photos is almost completely full. I have never filled a hard drive before, and this is a 3TB EHD. Oh my, I need to get rid of some photos. I know. So I started researching new hard drives, and then took my computer in to see if it could be fixed. They looked it over, and everyone involved including my husband had the same opinion. While the computer should be perfect for my kids to use for homework for several years to come, it isn't going to work well for the amount of use it gets photography-wise. I thought I would remain frozen in indecision, but I just held my breath and ordered a new iMac and a massive 12TB RAID hard drive. I guess it was inevitable. NOT as fun as new lenses. And last time I moved my photos to a new EHD, it went very badly. I am relieved that the computer will not be here for a while, so I don't have to face that process immediately.

Here are my photos for the week! I am rejoicing in SPRING. And while last year I felt like there was no point in taking the same photos of the same lilacs and tulips and little green buds, this year I am embracing it and taking all those same photos again happily. I have especially enjoyed using my Fuji with my Helios lens, and I would love to get some more inexpensive manual focus vintage lenses. I am intrigued by the Jupiter 85mm lens, but I think it is hard to get a good copy. I will have to start stalking eBay.
