Lots of things included here- we had friends visit from out of town for a few days, and had so much fun being able to catch up and to get our kids together. I started taking a flash class through ClickinMoms, and the class is EXCELLENT. The quality of the materials is outstanding, and I am having a lot of fun using flash. We took the training wheels off of our middle child's bike. She was scared initially, but after a day or so of intense practice she is now superfast and steady, riding like the wind. We took the baby gates down. This means everyone can run about the house freely, and that we had to put some things out of reach that we didn't have to worry about previously (mostly dad's Legos). I PHOTOGRAPHED A WEDDING. It was a great experience, and I was very happy with how the photos turned out. I am SO ready to start shooting clients and to fully launch my photography business. I am working with a mentor to figure out some of the final details about pricing, what I will offer, and all of the other loose ends that remain in relationship to the business I have created. And finally, I am just barely starting to think about ClickAway, a tiny bit. Leaving my kids for the first time. Meeting so many online friends in real life. Getting together with women who care about photography as much as I do. It is going to be awesome. Well, not the leaving my kids part. For now, we are preparing to wrap up our summer as my older kids go back to school in a few days. This makes me sad, and I am going to miss my girls so much. This summer went by faster than any summer I can remember. We still have the State Fair, and MANY peaches to eat, so I guess it isn't over yet.
Week 30 and 31 | 366.2016
in Project 365