We got a new puppy last week, and that about sums up what I have been doing. Trying to housebreak a puppy during a polar vortex, or any January in Nebraska, is obviously challenging.
I am puzzled when I see people who seem to be doing so many things. I parent, take my kids to activities, clean my house, do laundry, exercise daily, take some kind of photo each day, try to read a book each week, and that is my limit. If you add a puppy on top of that, wow. That really does it.
I meant to start Project Life again this year (the digital version), but I have not done that. I am hoping to find some time this weekend to pull it together, and then stay on top of it. We are no longer doing Chatbooks as a result of some quality issues, and I want to make sure that I am still regularly printing photos for my kids. They love seeing photos in print. So of all the things I need to squeeze on to the list of things, I am going to try to make that one a priority. I am also hoping to do 1 Second a Day this month.
Otherwise… I am taking lots of puppy photos, drinking too much coffee, trying to stay warm, trying to spend less time on social media, and looking for all of the great things about living in a place where we get to experience four seasons.