There is absolutely no intentional photography happening these days. Any photos are just haphazard and unplanned. Lots of of thinking, “oh, no, I don’t have a photo for today, better snap something”. My girls are all about PERLER BEADS, which they last did when they were probably 6 or 7 years old. They have spent hours and hours creating designs and sorting them while listening to the Spiderman soundtrack, Blondie, The Pixies, and The Greatest Showman soundtrack. I have abandoned planning and list making, and I mean to get back to that- but never do. Without a plan, I will continue to read books and wander around outside. Which is probably fine, actually.
Project 365
Week 29 | 2019
There are so many things about biking included in this week of photos. My husband finished the Bohemian Sto Mil race (whoo hoo!!!), and then the next day we took my son’s training wheels off of his bike. This resulted in days of bike riding at every opportunity, but it is all kind of evening out now as he gets back to all of the other things five year olds do. One child is very over represented in this week of photos, so I will have to be mindful of that this week.
We doing a lot of preparations for the start of school- 16 days away as of this time I am writing this. New backpacks have arrived, school supplies are purchased, a cello is rented, piano is about to resume, and I spent too much money on school clothing at Old Navy (which has suddenly become WAY expensive- why?). I have ordered a new laptop for myself, and am planning out what my new daily schedule will look like when I have six uninterrupted hours every day. Nervous, excited, all of the emotions.
Week 28 | 2019
All of the swimming has resulted in Swimmer’s Ear for our oldest child. This is something I didn’t really know much about. Now I am a little traumatized, and I will be a little quicker to the doctor’s office to start antibiotics when symptoms arise. Summertime earache= immediate trip to urgent care.
Otherwise, things are great but VERY NUTTY. My husband is doing a 100 mile gravel bike race on Saturday called the Bohemian Sto Mil. It is a little odd that he agreed to do this, since he wasn’t really a biking guy before he started training for this race. It starts in his hometown, and a friend persuaded him, so here we are. It has been a lot of time training, and the weather has been a little bit scary hot. Like, I was nauseated and light headed from carrying my groceries to the car yesterday, so… a 100 mile bike race on gravel in the same type of weather… hmm. Would not work for me. Apparently my husband and I are very different people who are at very different levels of fitness. I still feel anxious on his behalf and hope it goes well for him. <3 <3 <3