There are so many things about biking included in this week of photos. My husband finished the Bohemian Sto Mil race (whoo hoo!!!), and then the next day we took my son’s training wheels off of his bike. This resulted in days of bike riding at every opportunity, but it is all kind of evening out now as he gets back to all of the other things five year olds do. One child is very over represented in this week of photos, so I will have to be mindful of that this week.
We doing a lot of preparations for the start of school- 16 days away as of this time I am writing this. New backpacks have arrived, school supplies are purchased, a cello is rented, piano is about to resume, and I spent too much money on school clothing at Old Navy (which has suddenly become WAY expensive- why?). I have ordered a new laptop for myself, and am planning out what my new daily schedule will look like when I have six uninterrupted hours every day. Nervous, excited, all of the emotions.