Overwhelmed. We survived what I now think was norovirus, and it was pretty awful. Now, the school year is ending for everyone, and we are facing a summer with so many events already planned. We will go camping as we do every year when school gets out, and then a month later I will head to Guatemala for about a week. Before we do any of that, we have piano recitals and so many field trips and our last preschool graduation (sob).
I just started yoga outside of my house, and I think it is something that will be really great in this “season” (as it is popular to say these days). I do a lot of working out at home, but many times I need to stop mid-workout to parent or redirect the puppies. At yoga, I arrive, and they make it a point to say, “now we are locking the door” as class starts, and just knowing that I will get through the class with no interruption from anyone or anything is enough.
Still enjoying the lilacs. Drinking a lot of coffee. Getting all of the steps in. Reading books. Making big plans (as usual). Watching a little television with my kids (just finishing Parks and Rec). Photographed a birth, which I really need to edit and share. In summary, happy and grateful and trying to catch up.