So many things have happened in the last few weeks that I have not been able to do anything with my personal photos. Good thing I have all of the photos, because I think I would have forgotten some things otherwise! In the middle of all of this chaos, I am having lots of thoughts of how much I am sucking as far as being our family documentarian- I meant to start digital project life several months ago, and I haven’t. I mean to start a one second a day video project every month, and then I don’t. And I keep writing on my to-do list to make Blurb books of our last two vacations- but so many other things have had to come first. In the past, I would stay up until 1 am editing photos. Now, I go to bed around the same time that my kids do, and wake up before 6am. During the day, I am parenting, cleaning, activites, exercising, appointments, laundry, etc., and suddenly, it is bedtime again. Not that I need to write blog posts about how busy I am, because that is definitely NOT COOL.
Back to the last few weeks. I turned 44, and eh, not my favorite. It was a fine day, but I am feeling my age. We had the Mayor’s Run. The girls had a piano recital, we came home, had a tornado, and lost power for the night. The next night, Gus got attacked by a cat in our neighborhood and we spent the evening in the ER and dealing with animal control. There was the one year anniversary of my mother's death, which felt like looking for feelings and then not having any. We had the fifth grade field trip to the Omaha zoo. It is interesting to watch all of these pre-middle school social dynamics. While at the zoo, I got a message that Lida won her school’s bike rodeo, and then a few days later she went on to win the city bike rodeo. I wasn’t there, because I was doing a client photo shoot. We finally rode the ferris wheel at Scheels, which was terrifying and not something I will do ever again. I am glad that I was with my calmest child (who was also terrified, but stayed very still). Gus had his last day of preschool, which I did photograph, but am not including in my 365 since the photos include kids that are not mine. I was unexpectedly very emotional about Gus being done with preschool. Things are about to start changing for our family in some huge ways.
Some of these photos are pretty snapshotty, taken just to document the moment. Like a normal person/ parent would do. I feel like I missed some moments. And some days, it was an OH NO, I STILL NEED A PHOTO FOR TODAY thing- see the portrait of my dog, and the allium photo, and the mini lilacs.