One more day of school for my girls. I am sick of unpacking lunch boxes every day, getting kids up to shower, and homework. TOTALLY ready for summer here! I am trying to stop telling myself that things are chaotic and that I am overwhelmed- but there is a lot of do, and the parents in this house are exhausted.
I am really feeling funky about my photography right now, and playing the comparison game, and social media is NOT helping that. I am tied to Facebook at least until I return from Guatemala (as that is where all of the planning takes place), but I deleted Instagram for a while. I am the queen of feeling so frustrated by online stuff, but then not changing my participation in it in any meaningful way. Right now, I would say my theme is dissonance- knowing what I want to do, having plans for things I want to do, but not doing those things because of life, kids, and general human limitations. Basically, things are so much better than they used to be, and I see the path forward, but I am feeling antsy because the going is slow. Or, at exactly the right place but it FEELS SLOW.
Pretty deep, right? ;)